Date Created
Minnesota Department of Transportation
The purpose of this guide book is to provide easy-to-use steps for calibrating snowplow sander controllers. It is an experience-based guide that captures tips and techniques learned by experienced calibrators. It helps agencies calibrate their sander controllers so the correct amount of salt, sand or other solid material is applied to the road when treating roads during winter maintenance. It focuses on controllers commonly used by agencies. It provides easy-to-use detailed calibration steps with step-by-step instructions. Each instruction step includes a picture to help with clarity. Also, "Quick Calibration Sheets" (one-pagers) are included with less detailed (quicker) instructions to assist calibrators who are already experienced. The guide also includes calibration forms, and a general discussion about calibration. It covers both automatic and manual controllers. It suggests approaches for both open-loop and closed-loop automatic controllers. The primary automatic controller covered is the ForceAmerica unit. A general approach is given for calibrating any manual controller type. The guide covers both calibration and verification. It also suggests "when to calibrate". The guide includes quick calibration sheets, calculation worksheets, and blank calibration forms.
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MnDOT Library
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