Contains a report of the expenditures and achievements of the State Highway Department for the year 1922, road construction and maintenance, bridge construction and maintenance, road equipment, surplus war material, snow removal, trunk highway marking, traffic census, tests and inspection, highway offices and buildings, accounts, federal aid appropriations, construction on trunk highways by the counties, distribution of trunk highway maintenance expenditures, analysis of maintenance expenditures by commodity, analysis of maintenance expenditures by class and item, status of trunk highway mileage by counties, analysis of trunk highway mileage, traffic census observations on trunk highways-average number of vehicles per day, summary of laboratory tests on materials, Minnesota Highway Department financial statement, construction on state roads, state aid road and trunk highway construction upon which federal aid is applied, maintenance expenditures on state aid roads, abstract of annual reports on trunk highway and state aid road expenditures, condition of state aid roads, photos of roads and bridges, of Minnesota Highway Department-Central Office, main floor, drafting room, garage, machine shop, stock room, of Engineers' Convention Auditorium. Submitted by Charles M. Babcock, Commissioner of Highways. [117 pp.]