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Grand Forks-East Grand Forks Urban Area Transportation Study: Volume 6: Final Report

Date Created
The final report in a series of memorandum reports dealing with the Grand Forks-East Grand Forks Urban Area Transportation Study. Volume Six sums up the previous five volumes and lays out the plan for street improvements in the Grand Forks-East Grand Forks urban area based on the projected traffic in 1990.

Critical feature survey procedure report on Minnesota trunk highway system

Date Created
The Critical Feature Survey was undertaken for the study of trunk highway needs and for the determination of practical road capacities. The Critical Feature Survey was conducted on all rural 2-lane sections of the trunk highway system. The data collected relates to sight distance, gradients, curves, and superelevations of curves. Data were not taken on the so-called institutional highways or on portions of the trunk highway system under construction.

Duluth Corridor Summary Report: An Interdisciplinary Study for the Location and Design of a Transportation Facility

Date Created
This report was created to study I-35 in Duluth, Minnesota in preparation for its expansion in the the 1970s. It set out to answer three questions: 1. What are Duluth's major transportation needs, particularly in the eastern one-half of the city? 2 . What solution or solutions are capable of meeting these needs, particularly as they relate to the interstate program and to major city goals? 3 . What should be the specific design solution to capture and realize the most positive community opportunities?

Highway Construction Programs, 1969-1973

Date Created
This official State Highway Construction Program is published as a service to the people of Minnesota so that they may be informed of future state trunk highway improvements. These programs show the Interstate and Trunk Highway construction contracts scheduled for letting during calendar years 1969 through 1973.

I-94 Location/Design Study: Activity II: Air Quality Report

Date Created
In 1973, a planned extension to Interstate 94 between I-694/494 and the St. Croix River was cancelled due to concerns raised by residents. This study is part of a restudy that was ordered by the Commissioner of Highways to find the best route for the freeway, taking in to account the resident's concerns. This report focuses on the effects the proposed freeway would have on air quality.

I-94 Location/Design Study: Activity II: Interchange Analysis Report

Date Created
In 1973, a planned extension to Interstate 94 between I-694/494 and the St. Croix River was cancelled due to concerns raised by residents. This study is part of a restudy that was ordered by the Commissioner of Highways to find the best route for the freeway, taking in to account the resident's concerns. This report focuses on the proposed interchanges on freeway.

I-94 Location/Design Study: Activity II: Rest Area-Information Center & Weigh Station Report

Date Created
In 1973, a planned extension to Interstate 94 between I-694/494 and the St. Croix River was cancelled due to concerns raised by residents. This study is part of a restudy that was ordered by the Commissioner of Highways to find the best route for the freeway, taking in to account the resident's concerns. This report focuses on the locations of the proposed rest stops, information centers, and weigh areas.

I-94 Location/Design Study: Activity II: Geotechnical Analysis

Date Created
In 1973, a planned extension to Interstate 94 between I-694/494 and the St. Croix River was cancelled due to concerns raised by residents. This study is part of a restudy that was ordered by the Commissioner of Highways to find the best route for the freeway, taking in to account the resident's concerns. This report presents the geotechnical analysis.

I-94 Location/Design Study: Activity II: Water Systems Analysis Report

Date Created
In 1973, a planned extension to Interstate 94 between I-694/494 and the St. Croix River was cancelled due to concerns raised by residents. This study is part of a restudy that was ordered by the Commissioner of Highways to find the best route for the freeway, taking in to account the resident's concerns. This report shows the effects of the proposed highway on the the local water system.

I-94 Location/Design Study: Activity II: Vegetation & Wildlife Analysis

Date Created
In 1973, a planned extension to Interstate 94 between I-694/494 and the St. Croix River was cancelled due to concerns raised by residents. This study is part of a restudy that was ordered by the Commissioner of Highways to find the best route for the freeway, taking in to account the resident's concerns. This report analyzes the effects the proposed highway would have on wildlife and vegetation.

I-94 Location/Design Study: Activity II: Social & Economic Inventory, Considerations & Impacts Analyses

Date Created
In 1973, a planned extension to Interstate 94 between I-694/494 and the St. Croix River was cancelled due to concerns raised by residents. This study is part of a restudy that was ordered by the Commissioner of Highways to find the best route for the freeway, taking in to account the resident's concerns. This report focuses on the social and economic impacts of the proposed freeway.