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Report of the State Highway Commission of Minnesota for 1909-1910-1911

Date Created
The 1909-1910 report contains a report of the state engineer George W. Cooley about work done for the two-year period ending December 31st, 1910, designating state roads, road work, bridges and culverts, experimental road work, road maintenance, good road exhibit, road material resources of the state; pictures of roads and bridges. The 1911 report contains a report of the state engineer George W. Cooley about work done during the season of 1911 and a summary of all work from 1906 to 1911. The 1909-1910 report was submitted by Louis W. Hill, Chairman, Charles M. Babcock, Clarence I. McNair. The 1911 report was submitted by Charles M. Babcock, Chairman, Clarence I. McNair, F.S. Bell. [57 pp.]

TSP: Metro Division Transportation System Plan (2001-2020)

Date Created
This TSP (transportation system plan) identifies MnDOT's vision for maintaining and improving the state trunk highway system to serve all modes of transportation within the eight-county metropolitan area for the years 2001 to 2020. The TSP also translates state and regional transportation policies into project strategies. Note: Pages 6-28, 6-30, 6-36, and 6-72 are skipped and do not exist in the print version.

Mn/DOT Metro Division Transportation System Plan (2005-2025)

Date Created
This TSP documents MnDOT Metro Division's long-range (2005-2025) investment plan for maintaining and improving the state trunk highway system to serve all modes of transportation within its eight-county service area. The TSP translates state and regional transportation policies into project priorities and schedules. At the corridor level, the TSP identifies corridor needs, priorities, and levels of investment. As the TSP work program is implemented, corridor-specific solutions will be developed in cooperation with affected counties, cities, and the public.

Metro District Transportation System Plan, TSP: Helping Minnesotans Travel Safer, Smarter and More Efficiently, 2008-2030

Date Created
The 2008-2030 Transportation System Plan (TSP) has been prepared by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) Metro District as a guide for future investments to the state trunk highway system within Metro District's eight-county metropolitan area. The Metro TSP provides a critical link in the transportation planning and investment programming process. It identifies the long-term system and corridor improvements required to achieve and maintain established performance targets. The TSP is Metro District's investment plan for the next 20+ years reflecting federal, state, and regional policy and performance direction; projected funding availability; and priorities identified in consultation with Mn/DOT, the Metropolitan Council, and other Metro District transportation stakeholders. Previous editions of the TSP were developed as long-range, fiscally-constrained plans to ensure that the Metro District prioritized the spending of limited resources. The 2001 (2005-2025) TSP was expanded to reflect the State's "Smart Growth" principles and Moving Minnesota vision that focused investments on Advantages for Transit, Bottleneck Removal, and Corridor Connections. The 2008-2030 TSP version expands on previous plans by clarifying performance measures and targets consistent with the Statewide Transportation Plan and Mn/DOT Strategic Directions.

2008 Annual Transportation Performance Report

Date Created
This report covers the Minnesota Department of Transportation's (Mn/DOT's) annual performance over a number of categories, including traffic fatalities, bridge and pavement conditions, snow and ice management and multimodal transport. From 2008-2015, the scorecard was included as part of the report. From 2016-2021, the performance scorecard was the sole document produced. Starting in 2022, the name of the report was changed to the Transportation System Performance Report. Based on Minnesota Statutes 174.03, Subd. 12, the report includes Minnesota transportation system performance measures, annual targets, and MnDOT’s progress toward achieving the state transportation goals (described in Minnesota Statutes 174.01).

2009 Annual Minnesota Transportation Performance Report

Date Created
This report covers the Minnesota Department of Transportation's (Mn/DOT's) annual performance over a number of categories, including traffic fatalities, bridge and pavement conditions, snow and ice management and multimodal transport. From 2008-2015, the scorecard was included as part of the report. From 2016-2021, the performance scorecard was the sole document produced. Starting in 2022, the name of the report was changed to the Transportation System Performance Report. Based on Minnesota Statutes 174.03, Subd. 12, the report includes Minnesota transportation system performance measures, annual targets, and MnDOT’s progress toward achieving the state transportation goals (described in Minnesota Statutes 174.01).

2010 Annual Minnesota Transportation Performance Report

Date Created
This report covers the Minnesota Department of Transportation's (Mn/DOT's) annual performance over a number of categories, including traffic fatalities, bridge and pavement conditions, snow and ice management and multimodal transport. From 2008-2015, the scorecard was included as part of the report. From 2016-2021, the performance scorecard was the sole document produced. Starting in 2022, the name of the report was changed to the Transportation System Performance Report. Based on Minnesota Statutes 174.03, Subd. 12, the report includes Minnesota transportation system performance measures, annual targets, and MnDOT’s progress toward achieving the state transportation goals (described in Minnesota Statutes 174.01).

2011 Annual Minnesota Transportation Performance Report

Date Created
This report covers the Minnesota Department of Transportation's (Mn/DOT's) annual performance over a number of categories, including traffic fatalities, bridge and pavement conditions, snow and ice management and multimodal transport. From 2008-2015, the scorecard was included as part of the report. From 2016-2021, the performance scorecard was the sole document produced. Starting in 2022, the name of the report was changed to the Transportation System Performance Report. Based on Minnesota Statutes 174.03, Subd. 12, the report includes Minnesota transportation system performance measures, annual targets, and MnDOT’s progress toward achieving the state transportation goals (described in Minnesota Statutes 174.01).