Attached is the Mn/DOT Maintenance Work Plan developed by the Maintenance Action Committee. This fulfills your February 1, 1983 promise to Commissioner Sandra Hale to complete a proposal by March 15, 1983 outlining how the Department of Administration management study recommendations will be implemented, who will be responsible, and what will be done.
We recommend that the Maintenance Action Committee, under the leadership of the State Maintenance Engineer, remain in existence through March 15, 1984 to:
1. Ensure that the people affected by implementation are included in the planning process, in keeping with your participative management philosophy.
2. Develop more definitive and detailed time frames and priorities.
3. Develop a mechanism to follow up, expand, or improve on the recommendations or their implementation.
4. Evaluate the benefits and needs for using internal and external expertise to improve the consideration and implementation of recommendations.
5. Continue to report directly to you on a regular basis.
This document was created in response results of the Minnesota Highway Planning Survey. The survey was in response to the Hayden-Cartwright Federal Aid Act of 1934, which authorized federal funds for state transportation planning surveys. The Minnesota Highway Planning Survey revealed issues with the Road system, and this document attempts to explain and justify them.
The purpose of this report on the Department of Transportation (DOT) concept and its acceptance and implementation by growing numbers of states is to assist in fulfilling the Task Force charge to "study the transportation needs of the State and devise plans for the future which shall encompass all modes of transportation." A D.O.T. organizational structure should by its very nature encompass all modes of transportation and could, if so organized, accomplish coordinated and integrated planning and administration of all modes.
In this report the attempt is made to provide Task Force members with factual data regarding the status of State DOT development nationwide and with a substantive analysis of the organizational structure, mechanics, performance, and problems of states with DOT experience. It is hoped that this analysis will assist the Task Force in evaluating the desirability of recommending the establishment of a State level DOT, in order to assist in achieving coordinated, comprehensive, statewide transportation planning in Minnesota
This document shows the success of MnDOT's Seeds program during the first six year of its existence. It lists the graduates of the Seeds program and where they are employed.
This Document recognizes the achievements of the Seeds program and MnDOT's Office of Workforce Equity and Diversity (O/WED). It was created after the Seeds program was nationally recognized for excellent by the Public Employees Roundtable, the Washington Times, and USA.
The COVID-19 pandemic, on top of social unrest and climate events, presented new and unprecedented challenges, and MnDOT staff stepped up to address these challenges head on with passion, ingenuity, and a commitment to public service. During the summer of 2020, we surveyed staff to:
- Capture and celebrate MnDOT employees' creativity and resilience in response to COVID-19
- Understand and document impacts to MnDOT customers and stakeholders
- Identify efficiencies, cost-savings and service improvements. Share best practices across MnDOT.
- Evaluate and recommend long-term service delivery changes.
Staff shared over 90 COVID-19 innovations — everything from electronic asphalt delivery tickets to online payments for billboard permits. This report summarizes some innovations and survey results.
This document lists publicly funded art on display in the Minnesota Department of Transportation Building at 395 John Ireland Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155. The pieces identified were paid for by the Minnesota Percent for Art in Public Places. The location of each piece in the building is provided along with a small photo of the work and the text found on the informational plaque that accompanies each work.
From page 4: "From time to time, the Minnesota Department of Highways and other state agencies have presented segments of Minnesota road history in the form of pamphlets, articles, news releases, feature stories, etc. This survey history is an attempt to collect, edit, and supplement existing materials and present them in current form to mark the 50th anniversary date of the founding of the Minnesota Department of Highways."