Date Created
Minnesota Department of Transportation
The purpose of this report is to provide details on the 2006 reconstruction of Cell 1 on the MnROAD Mainline. The condition of Cell 1 was deteriorating rapidly, primarily in the driving (right) lane. Top down cracking, transverse cracking, rutting, and ride quality have reached or are approaching levels that require extensive repair. A dense array of instrumentation was placed in the right wheel path in the vicinity of station 1105 + 50 during initial construction in 1993. The pavement was significantly weakened around these sensors and was becoming badly damaged by traffic. The driving lane required rehabilitation in the form of a 1.5-inch mill and overlay, which was performed as part of State Project No. 8680-152, in which two test sections on the MnROAD Low Volume Road were reconstructed. The asphalt mixture type was selected to complement a Local Road Research Board (LRRB) study entitled "Performance of PG 52-34 Oil on Local Roads." The objective of this study was to determine at which traffic level PG 52-34 could be used as an effective binder grade without being susceptible to rutting. The use of this binder on the Mainline under interstate traffic will provide an accelerated test and be a benefit for the LRRB study. This report documents the previous pavement condition, HMA mix design, and field construction activities.
Collection Name
Local Identifier
Cell 01
File Type
Rights Statement
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