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Minnesota Department of Transportation
The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA); a multi-state pooled-fund program; exists to provide strategic implementation of pavement engineering solutions through cooperative research. NRRA is led by an Executive Committee of state DOT partners; and supported by numerous agency and industry partner representatives. Members provide expertise to NRRA; from the selection of research topics; to communication; and implementation. NRRA consists of five project teams: Flexible; Rigid; Geotechnical; Preventive Maintenance; and Technology Transfer. The 2017 construction season at MnROAD saw construction of 35 new and unique pavement test sections. The sections; designed to address NRRA high-priority research topics; were conceived and planned by NRRA project teams. This report details development; design; and construction of each research project and the test sections supporting them. Individual study details are left to future reports generated by the individual research contracts and their respective teams.
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