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Minnesota Department of Transportation
Regulations require that stormwater pollution prevention plans be developed for construction activities that disturb an area that is equal to or greater than one acre. Different strategies, including a combination of practices, can be used to develop these plans. The WATER model was a tool developed from a previous project to assess the effectiveness of different on-site sediment control practices. This model is expanded in this study to consider offsite practices, to include processes at the watershed scale, and to allow spatial data sets to be integrated into the simulation framework. Routines to simulate the impact of off-site practices of rock check dams, vegetative filters, and detention ponds are added to the WATER model. The detention pond model has been modified to allow rock and gravel infiltration filters to be included as an off-site practice. Two different algorithms are used: (1) the Protocol Method based purely on empirical data and (2) the Process-Based Method using process-based relationships developed for porous media flow.
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MnDOT Library
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